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Mushroom super-powers

In Blog, Immunity, Nutrition by Muriel2 Comments

I love mushrooms, and I get a bunch pretty much every time I do a grocery haul. Their texture can be astonishingly meaty (have you tried my Meaty Marinated Mushrooms?) and they bring wonderful umami to a dish. I have, however, come across fringe questions about whether they’re even vegan – it never occurred to me to asked myself that question! I knew that …

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The golden spice you should be eating daily

In Blog, Immunity, Nutrition by Muriel1 Comment

Turmeric’s been trending on health blogs recently, and with good reason. Curcumin, the pigment that makes turmeric yellow, has been shown in countless studies to be a powerful anti-inflammatory compound, and has actually been used medicinally for thousands of years. Why do we care so much about anti-inflammatory foods? Well, because chronic inflammation (typically caused by our food choices) leads to chronic disease. …