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The Best Chocolate Cake Ever

In Baking, Dessert, Recipes, Sweet by MurielLeave a Comment

I’ve been meaning to develop and share a chocolate cake recipe for a while – and here it is! I made this to celebrate my 10th ‘veganniversary’ and I must say, it’s the best chocolate cake I’ve ever tasted. I know I’m tooting my own horn, so hold me accountable by trying it out for yourself, and let me know what you think.

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Beasting Cake

In Baking, Recipes, Sweet by Muriel1 Comment

This cake has been a feature at pretty much every one of my birthdays: it’s a recipe that my mom got from Mrs Lillie, my godmother’s grandmother who used to live on a farm near Groblersdal. I’ve always loved this cake: my mom makes a vegan version for me pretty much every year (except now I like making it too!).