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The Best Chocolate Cake Ever

In Baking, Dessert, Recipes, Sweet by MurielLeave a Comment

I’ve been meaning to develop and share a chocolate cake recipe for a while – and here it is! I made this to celebrate my 10th ‘veganniversary’ and I must say, it’s the best chocolate cake I’ve ever tasted. I know I’m tooting my own horn, so hold me accountable by trying it out for yourself, and let me know what you think.

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Mug Cake

In Baking, Dessert, Recipes, Sweet by MurielLeave a Comment

If you’re feeling a craving for chocolate cake but baking a whole cake would be a curse in the making, then try this 1-minute microwave mug cake. Yes, it’s indulgent. But at least it just makes one portion, so you definitely won’t end up devouring a whole cake and suffering the predictable guilt afterwards.

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Chocolate Sourdough Pancakes

In Baking, Breakfast, Dessert, Recipes, Snacks by MurielLeave a Comment

Over the last few months I’ve been trying my hand at making my own sourdough – first in Cape Town with great success, and more recently in Berlin with mixed success (I used rye, which totally changes the bread obviously, something I need to get used to). Anyway: the one thing about homemade sourdough is the darn sourdough discard that just goes to waste unless you get creative!

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Vanilla Ice Cream

In Dessert, Recipes, Sweet by MurielLeave a Comment

I’ve been making this ice cream for years, ever since I bought my little Krups ice cream maker. The recipe works like a charm, as long as you follow the directions: freeze the bowl properly (the colder the better), make sure the custard thickens nicely, and cool it enough before making the ice cream.

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Vegan Crêpes

In Baking, Breakfast, Dessert, Recipes, Sweet by MurielLeave a Comment

I had a bunch of fun in the kitchen trying out different ways to make crêpes (i.e. thin, delicate pancakes, in the French style). Flapjacks (the thicker version, what Americans call pancakes) are super easy to veganise and they’ve been my go-to for years, but somehow I was always intimidated at the thought of trying vegan crêpes, since I’d always thought that eggs were an essential ingredient, and making it work without them would be near-impossible.

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Overnight Chia Pudding

In Breakfast, Dessert, Recipes, Sweet by Muriel1 Comment

I don’t know who first came up with the idea of “chia pudding”—my guess is that it stems from some ancient food tradition in Central America (since chia seeds originate in Mexico). Either way, I’m grateful! Chia seeds have a beautiful way of soaking up the liquid they’re mixed into and getting a jelly-like texture, making for a perfect little treat, with berries and some liquid sweetener. Plus, they’re a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids, protein and fibre.